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Movit center

Comprehensive hormone care for lasting wellness

With a team of dedicated experts by your side, we’re here to guide you on a sustainable path to balance, empowering you to enjoy lasting wellness at every stage of life.

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Collaborating for comprehensive care
O nas

Your trusted partner in hormone health & wellness

Our team combines medical expertise with compassionate care to help you feel your best at every stage of life.

Naša vizija

To be a leading clinic in hormone health, empowering individuals to achieve lasting vitality, balance, and quality of life.

Naša naloga

Provide customized hormone therapy solutions tailored to the unique health needs of each patient.

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leta izkušenj
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Zaupanja vredni partnerji
specializirani trenerji
60 %
Pozitivna ocena
naši programi

Discover our holistic approach to hormone

Our programs are designed to address not only hormone levels but also the lifestyle, nutrition, and wellness factors that influence overall health.


8 treningov mesečno




8 treningov mesečno




8 treningov mesečno




Neomejeno treningov




Neomejeno treningov




Neomejeno treningov




Uvajalni program zajema posvet in
uvajalni trening.



Neomejeno koriščenje
vadbenega prostora in pripomočkov

Izjave strank

Pričevanja naših strank

Ponosni smo na to, da pomagamo ljudem, da se počutijo najbolje, in vsako pričevanje poudarja skrb, strokovnost in predanost, ki jih zagotavlja naša klinika.

Naši trenerji

Spoznajte našega strokovnjaka z Movit Centra

Discover a partner in your health who is dedicated to helping you reclaim balance, vitality, and overall well-being.

Dr. Nick Snow, D.O.

Specialist in Endocrinology

Dr. Cole Smith, N.D.

Licensed Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. James Lee, M.D.

Specialist in Men's Health

Dr. Jhon Garcia, M.D.

Hormone Optimization

Imate vprašanje?

Pogosta vprašanja

If you’re new to hormone therapy or looking to deepen your understanding, our faqs offer valuable insights to support your journey toward optimal health and wellness.

Hormone therapy involves the use of hormones to restore balance in the body when natural hormone levels are low or imbalanced. It works by replenishing or adjusting specific hormones—such as estrogen, testosterone, or thyroid hormones—to alleviate symptoms, improve health, and enhance quality of life.

Hormone therapy can benefit both men and women experiencing hormonal imbalances due to aging, menopause, andropause, thyroid disorders, or other health conditions. Our clinic assesses each patient individually to ensure they’re a suitable candidate for therapy.

Hormone therapy can address a range of symptoms, including fatigue, mood swings, low libido, weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, and other issues related to hormonal imbalance. Personalized treatment helps target the specific symptoms you’re experiencing.

When administered by qualified specialists and closely monitored, hormone therapy is safe for many patients. Our clinic uses evidence-based practices and the latest research to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatments.

We offer a range of hormone therapies, including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), thyroid hormone therapy, and testosterone replacement therapy. Each option is tailored to meet the unique needs of the patient.

Yes, hormone therapy requires a prescription. Before starting treatment, our specialists conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the best approach for your needs and will prescribe and monitor your therapy accordingly.

Common signs of a hormone imbalance include unexplained fatigue, mood changes, sleep disturbances, weight fluctuations, and decreased libido. Our clinic offers diagnostic testing and consultations to assess your hormone levels and identify imbalances.

Coverage varies by insurance provider and specific policy. We recommend contacting your insurance company to confirm coverage, and our clinic staff can assist with any questions regarding costs or insurance reimbursement.

Our clinics

Hormone therapy clinics near you

Discover how our nearby clinics can support your health goals with the latest in hormone therapy and compassionate care tailored to your needs.


New York

789 Tranquility Blvd, Suite 101 Eastside


New York

456 Wellness Avenue, 3rd Floor District